Episode 177. Chris Laureano: On the Value of Peer Support
In this episode, we're joined by Chris Laureano, B.A., CPS. Chris has been in the Peer Support field since 2015 and has been Certified as a Peer Specialist in the State of Massachusetts since 2016. Throughout his life as an autistic man with lived experiences with anxiety and trauma, Chris got into the Peer Support field after realizing the powerfulness of his voice in advocacy efforts while attending Rhode Island College due to his experience running the campus chapter of The National Society of Leadership and Success as both Chapter Vice-President and Chapter President. Since then, he has worked as a Peer Specialist in Wellness & Recovery Centers, Emergency Service Programs and at a long-term mental health service program in different agencies. Additionally, he has also gained experience in systemic advocacy efforts through meeting with legislators and testifying at a public hearing regarding various Peer Specialist Bills that were put forth from the Massachusetts State House.
Currently, Chris works as the Director of the Recovery Education and Learning (REAL) Program at Bay Cove Human Services in Boston, Massachusetts, where he runs an in-person & online training and coordinates internships for people with lived experience in receiving mental health services in order to provide opportunities to prepare them for the workforce in human services."
In this episode, we explore:
peer support
lived experience
active listening
and loads more.
Mentioned in this episode
Brene Brown
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Hannah & the Psykhe Podcast team x