Episode 59: Robert Crown: Suffering Ends When Awakening Begins
Have you suffered in your life? How do you overcome suffering? Robert Crown joins us to share his story.
Episode 58: Nikole Stanfield: Recognising and Escaping from Burnout
Have you experienced a burnout? Or the tell tale signs of overwhelm? Nikole Stanfield joins us to share her experience.
Episode 57: Estelle California: The Importance of Finding Your Voice and Claiming Your Name
What is your name? We’re joined by Estelle California who shares the importance of finding both your name and your voice.
Episode 56: Tracey Maxfield: Escaping The Rabbit Hole and Helping Our Young People Do the Same
Have you ever been down the rabbit hole? Author Tracey Maxfield shares her story and how she’s now helping support young people.
Episode 55: Luana Ribeira: Stop Self-Sabotaging and Find Your Own Path to Fulillment and Success
We’re joined by Luana Ribeira who shares her unique story of overcoming self-sabotage to find fulfillment and success.
Episode 54: Marilyn Redmond: On Spiritual Counselling & Healing
For this episode we’re diving into the spiritual - channelling, higher levels of vibration and energy with Spiritual Counsellor Marilyn Redmond.
Episode 53: David Essel: The Importance of Accountability
We often want to change but can struggle to commit to making changes. David Essel explains why accountability is so important.
Episode 52: Lexis Sharde: Life Coaching Comedians
Who doesn’t love a good laugh? How can comedy help boost our mental wellbeing? We dive into this with Lexis Sharde.
Episode 51: David Roylance: Introduction to Buddhist Teachings & Meditation
This week we’re delving into buddhist teachings and the benefits of meditation
Episode 50: International Friendship Day: The Health Benefits of Friendship
Grab a cuppa and settle in for a relaxed, intimate chat between me and one of my closest friends, Debbie, for international friendship day.
Episode 49: Strategy Round-Up
Here’s our third strategy round-up full of the top tips from the previous 15 guests. Dive in for plenty of ideas to help you feel better about yourself and your life.
Episode 48: Jen Sugermeyer: Learning to Love Yourself
We’re joined by Jen Sugermeyer who shares her journey from destructive double life to loving herself, and how you can also reset your life.
Episode 47: Dr Feyi Obamehinti: On healing from trauma
We’re joined by Dr Feyi Obamehinti who shares her insights on how we can heal from trauma and the importance of personal responsibility.
Episode 46: Psychedconvos: On Emotional Abuse
We’re joined by fellow podcasters Nicole and Laura from Psychedconvos to discuss emotional abuse - what it is, how to put boundaries in place and heal from it.
Episode 45: Racial Injustice and Mental Health
We’ve welcomed back Sheila Kay and Tamuri Richardson for this important conversation about racism and racial injustice and their impact on mental health.
Episode 44: Confidence is Non-Negotiable
We’re thrilled to be joined by the inspirational Coach and Author Alexis Jane to dive into confidence.
Episode 43: On Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
We’re thrilled to be joined by the amazing Sheila Kay who shares her experience with PTSD.
Episode 42: Yoga, Ayurveda and Holistic Self-Care
Are you in touch with your spiritual side? In this episode we’re joined by Claudia Carballal who combines psychological approaches with yoga and ayurveda in her coaching practice.
Episode 41: Why Focusing On Yourself Is Vital
When we love someone we can be tempted to make them the centre of our world. Motivational Speaker and Empowerment Coach Tamuri Richardson shares why focus on yourself is a better approach.
Episode 40: High Functioning Anxiety
What is high functioning anxiety? How can energy healing help? We’re joined by anxiety specialist Heather Rider, the Energy Synergist.